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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Little meaningful thing

I've been breaking fast at the Islamic Center since the second week of Ramadan, which was last week because we are pretty efficient ladies at avoiding to cook. No cooking-> no need to buy grocery-> less spending-> more money this month. Berkat dan rezeki bulan puasa.

On our way to the Islamic Center yesterday, we got off at this stop in front of a supermarket. Then this one black guy approached us and took out his just-bought bananas from the supermarket (I'm assuming they are organic) and gave them one for each of us. Aw. Terharu betul. Then he boarded the bus. 

And the fact that earlier of the day while I was doing my laundry, I gave $1 to a guy who said he needed it, and later get greater in return later on the same day, damn. Just $1! I don't usually give change had anyone asked for some, but I just happened to have extra changes and I figured it's Ramadan so why not plus it's just a dollar, that figuration, if the word even exists and I used it right, really rewarded me back with a great return. 

Besar ok pisang dia bagi ni. Kenyang makan buat buka puasa.

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